Hotel Information

What is the minimum age to stay at Hotel Breathe?

The minimum age to check-in in Hotel Breathe is 23 years. Are you younger than 23? We would like to ask for a written permission from your parents or guardian. It may be communicated via e-mail welcome@breathehotelleiden.nl. 

What are the check-in and check-out times at Breathe Hotel?

Check-in at Breathe Hotel Leiden is possible from 15:00 to 19:00 (3 PM to 7 PM). It is possible to store your suitcase with us before the check-in time. Check-out is available until 12:00 PM for reservations made through our official website. For a late check-out until 1:00 PM, you can extend your stay for only EUR 12.50.

How far is Breathe Hotel from the centre of Leiden?

Breathe Hotel Leiden is located 650 metres from the centre of Leiden. All distances are measured as the crow flies. Actual travel distance may vary. Discover our location.

Do I park for free at Hotel Breathe?

Our hotel does not have its own parking facility. You may use public parking available in front of the hotel for 28€ per 24 hours (hourly tariff is not applicable). Alternatively, there are a few enclosed parking garages located on walking distance from the hotel that allow both - day and hourly tickets: 

Haarlemmerstraat parking garage: 2,50€ per hour or 22€ per day

 De Meelfabriek parking garage: 3,40€ per hour or 21€ per day.

Please kindly note that these options may not be reserved in advance and the spaces in parking garages are subject to the availability. 


Is there an elevator/lift available in the hotel?

Hotel Breathe does not have elevator/lift available. If you are travelling with heavy suitcases or would have special room assignment requests, please do let us know in advance. We will do our best in order to accommodate your request, however, we may not guarantee it as it is subject to the availability. We do thank you for your understanding. 

Is there breakfast available in the hotel?

Yes, breakfast is available for 18,95€ per person, per day. While we do not have breakfast room, we do partner with local restaurant Anne & Max to offer delicious and fresh-prepared breakfast boxes that are delivered to your room. The breakfast is available from Monday to Friday from 07:30 on; in the weekend (Saturday-Sunday) from 08:00 on. Our breakfast menus may be customized based on dietary restrictions or allergies.